If the KTMS-12 is out of stock check in with our dealers for potential availability:
- Rifle Gear https://www.riflegear.com/thecolony
- Copper Custom https://coppercustom.com/
- Engage Armament https://www.engagearmament.com/
- Black Rifle Company https://texasgunrunners.com/?v=28886f13f578
There are 4 things that open doors. Introducing the K.T.M.S. 12. A barrel mounted Remington 870 AR15 attachment. Originally made famous as the Masterkey, this clone is constructed using modern guns and manufacturing processes. This was a collaboration between Tyr 1 Outfitters as the exclusive distributor and Allegheny Gun Works. The K.T.M.S. 12 will attach to M4 cut barrels both government and SOCOM profile. The barrel hanger mount is of our own design and attached to the barrel via a two piece mount. The The K.T.M.S. 12 will also attach to Daniel Defense Ris II rails via theor integral M203 mounting system. The LMT QD mount is directly compatible and can attach to the unit should the end user choose to swap it out.
Please have your FFL/SOT email their licenses to tyr1outfitters@gmail.com with your order number.
****NOTE**** ALL NFA LAWS WILL APPLY. For AOW models to be legally attached to a firearm they have to be classified as a pistol. That means you CANNOT legally attach it to a firearm with a stock. A 14.5 AR pistol with pistol brace is an example of an acceptable AOW set up.
Do not order without knowing if you can get this transferred to you. CANCELLED ORDERS WILL INCUR A 30% RESTOCKING FEE.